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Thursday, 23 June 2011

No Pain. Big Gain, Tx Ch. LBP Can Reverse Abnormal Brain Activity And Function

It likely comes as no surprise that low back pain is the most common form of chronic pain among adults. Lesser known is the fact that those with chronic pain also experience cognitive impairments and reduced gray matter in parts of the brain associated with pain processing and the emotional components of pain, like depression and anxiety.

In a longitudinal study published this week in the Journal of Neuroscience, a group of pain researchers from McGill University and the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) posed a fundamental question: If you can alleviate chronic low back pain, can you reverse these changes in the brain?


How To Prevent Back Pain When Gardening And Playing Sports

With the weather getting warmer, millions of people will be playing sports or getting out in the garden. However, some may find their efforts thwarted by back pain, which can develop if they jump into things and exert themselves too quickly. The good news is that whether you are gardening or engaging in sports, there are ways you can minimize the chances of getting back pain, and ways to manage back pain if it does develop.

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