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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale

Based on the findings, a patient may be rated according to several clinical scales. The most widely accepted clinical rating scale is the 10-point Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale, developed originally in 1955 as the Disability Status Scale, which is as follows:

o Grade 0 - Normal neurologic examination (all grade 0 in FS, cerebral grade 1 acceptable)

o Grade 1.0 - No disability, minimal signs in 1 FS (ie, grade 1 excluding cerebral grade 1)

o Grade 1.5 - No disability, minimal signs in more than 1 FS (more than 1 grade 1 excluding cerebral grade 1)

o Grade 2.0 - Minimal disability in 1 FS (1 FS grade 2, others 0 or 1)

o Grade 2.5 - Minimal disability in 2 FS (2 FS grade 2, others 0 or 1)

o Grade 3.0 - Moderate disability in 1 FS (1 FS grade 3, others 0 or 1) or mild disability in 3 or 4 FS (3/4 FS grade 2, others 0 or 1) though fully ambulatory

o Grade 3.5 - Fully ambulatory but with moderate disability in 1 FS (1 grade 3) and 1 or 2 FS grade 2, or 2 FS grade 3, or 5 FS grade 2 (others 0 or 1)

o Grade 4.0 - Fully ambulatory without aid; self-sufficient; up and about some 12 h/d despite relatively severe disability, consisting of 1 FS grade 4 (others 0 or 1) or combinations of lesser grades exceeding limits of previous steps; able to walk without aid or rest approximately 500 m

o Grade 5.0 - Ambulatory without aid or rest for approximately 200 m; disability severe enough to impair full daily activities (eg, to work full day without special pzrovisions; usual FS equivalents are 1 grade 5 alone, others 0 or 1; or combinations of lesser grades usually exceeding specifications for step 4.0)

o Grade 5.5 - Ambulatory without aid or rest for approximately 100 m; disability severe enough to preclude full daily activities (usual FS equivalents are 1 grade 5 alone; others 0 or 1; or combinations of lesser grades usually exceeding those for step 4.0)

o Grade 6.0 - Intermittent or unilateral constant assistance (cane, crutch, or brace) required to walk approximately 100 m with or without resting (usual FS equivalents are combinations with more than 2 FS grade 3+)

o Grade 6.5 - Constant bilateral assistance (canes, crutches, or braces) required to walk approximately 20 m without resting (usual FS equivalents are combinations with more than 2 FS grade 3+)

o Grade 7.0 - Unable to walk beyond approximately 5 m even with aid; essentially restricted to wheelchair; wheels self in standard wheelchair and transfers alone; up and about approximately 12 h/d (usual FS equivalents are combinations with more than 1 FS grade 4+; very rarely, pyramidal grade 5 alone)

o Grade 7.5 - Unable to take more than a few steps; restricted to wheelchair; may need aid in transfer; wheels self but cannot carry on in standard wheelchair a full day; may require motorized wheelchair (usual FS equivalents are combinations with more than 1 FS grade 4+)

o Grade 8.5 - Essentially restricted to bed much of the day; has some effective use of arms; retains some self-care functions (usual FS equivalents are combinations, generally 4+ in several systems)

o Grade 9.0 - Helpless bed patient; can communicate and eat (usual FS equivalents are combinations, mostly grade 4+)

o Grade 9.5 - Totally helpless bed patient; unable to communicate effectively or eat/swallow (usual FS equivalents are combinations, almost all grade 4+)

o Grade 10.0 - Death due to MS

The scale ranges from 0-10 in 0.5 increments. The scores from grades 0-4 are derived from Functional System (FS) scales that evaluate dysfunction in 8 neurologic systems, including pyramidal, cerebellar, brainstem, sensory, bladder and bowel, vision, cerebral, and "other."

o Limitations of the Expanded Disability Status Scale are that it (1) is heavily dependent on mobility; (2) is somewhat subjective in certain areas (eg, bowel and bladder function); (3) is insensitive to small changes; and (4) does not present an accurate picture of the patient's cognitive abilities and functional abilities in performing activities of daily living (ADL).

• Additional useful scales include the Ambulation Index, which is based solely on the ability to walk 25 feet, and the Scripps Neurologic Rating Scale, developed by Sipe in 1984. Both environmental factors and a genetic predisposition, which affect an individual's chance of acquiring the disease, appear to play a role.

If an individual lives in an area with low incidence of MS until age 15 years, that person's risk is low; however, if an individual lives in an area with a high incidence until age 15 years, the risk of developing MS is high. Certain ethnic groups (eg, Eskimos), despite living in areas of higher incidence, do not have high incidence of MS. Treatment

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Task-specific writing tremor

ABSTRACT Task-specific tremor diagnoses remain controversial. We evaluated 56 subjects seen with writing tremor. The diagnosis was made if there was a clear history of exclusive tremor while writing for at least 3 years before noticing tremor in any other scenario and the continued presence of writing tremor as the most prominent aspect of their tremor disorder on examination. The age of tremor onset was 47.2 ± 18.0 years (73.2% male). Ethnic backgrounds were Caucasian (68.4%), African (23.2%), Hispanic (5.2%), and Asian/Indian (3.3%), and 44% reported any tremor in a first degree relative. Writing tremor often progressed to other task-specific tremors or rest tremor but not to immediate postural tremor, as usually seen in essential tremor. The other tremor provoking scenarios were eating/drinking (14), brushing teeth/shaving/make-up (5), typing (2), suture removal (1), and drafting (1) and occurred a mean of 7.5 years after the onset of writing tremor. Fourteen developed a "rest" (true rest or crescendo) tremor but only 2 of these met clinical criteria for Parkinson's disease. Pharmacologic treatments of writing tremor, including with ethanol, were generally poor, whereas deep brain stimulation of the ventral intermediate (VIM) thalamus was successful. Compared with patients with "classic" essential tremor in our clinic, writing tremor patients were more likely African, more likely male, had an older age of onset, a lower likelihood of familial tremor, and were more refractory to tremor medications and ethanol. This supports segregation between task-specific tremor and essential tremor but does not support the specific diagnosis of "writing tremor" because many patients progress to tremor with other tasks.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Dr. Gary Kielhofner, 1949-2010

UIC professor was a leading expert in occupational therapy

September 07, 2010|By Joan Giangrasse Kates, Special to the Tribune
Gary Kielhofner was just 6 years old when his grandmother lost a leg in an auto accident.
The once lively and engaging woman could have gotten a prosthetic leg but instead spent the rest of her life in a wheelchair, believing that without a leg, she could no longer lead a fulfilling life.

DSM-5 Proposed Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder Designed to Provide More Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment

ARLINGTON, Va. (Jan. 20, 2012)—The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has proposed new diagnostic criteria for the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) for autism. While final decisions are still months away, the recommendations reflect the work of dozens of the nation’s top scientific and research minds and are supported by more than a decade of intensive study and analysis. The proposal by the DSM-5 Neurodevelopmental Work Group recommends a new category called autism spectrum disorder which would incorporate several previously separate diagnoses, including autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.
The proposal asserts that symptoms of these four disorders represent a continuum from mild to severe, rather than a simple yes or no diagnosis to a specific disorder. The proposed diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder specify a range of severity as well as describe the individual’s overall developmental status--in social communication and other relevant cognitive and motor behaviors.
Dr. James Scully, Medical Director of the American Psychiatric Association said, “The proposed criteria will lead to more accurate diagnosis and will help physicians and therapists design better treatment interventions for children who suffer from autism spectrum disorder.”
The draft DSM-5 criteria will provide a more useful dimensional assessment to improve the sensitivity and specificity of the criteria. This change will help clinicians more accurately diagnose people with relevant symptoms and behaviors by recognizing the differences from person to person, rather than providing general labels that tend not to be consistently applied across different clinics and centers.
Proposed DSM-5 criteria are being tested in real-life clinical settings known as field trials. Field testing of the proposed criteria for autism spectrum disorder does not indicate that there will be any change in the number of patients receiving care for autism spectrum disorders in treatment centers--just more accurate diagnoses  that can lead to more focused treatment.
Criteria proposed for DSM-5 are posted on the DSM-5 website and will be open for additional public comment this spring. More information on the process for developing DSM-5 is also available on the website. Final publication of DSM-5 is planned for May 2013.
DSM is the manual used by clinicians and researchers to diagnose and classify mental disorders. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) will publish DSM-5 in 2013, culminating a 14-year revision process. For more information,
go to

Monday, 16 January 2012

Changing Face of Stroke: Implications for Occupational Therapy Practice

Stroke is one of the most life-altering syndromes affecting the world population. Rehabilitation for people experiencing stroke is focused almost exclusively on self-care activities and being able to return home and has little to no focus on work rehabilitation or community reintegration. The Cognitive Rehabilitation Research Group (CRRG) at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis was formed with the vision of improving everyday life for people after stroke by translating knowledge from neuroscience into treatment programs for productive living. Descriptive analysis of the intake assessment from the CRRG Clinical Core (N = 7,740) revealed three important findings: The age at stroke is decreasing, most strokes are neurologically mild to moderate in nature, and discharge placement decisions are being made largely on the basis of measures of impairment. The changes in the stroke population require occupational therapy to expand rehabilitation beyond the acute management of stroke to address full participation in work, family, and community life.


Thursday, 12 January 2012

How a Stroke is Diagnosed

If you have had a stroke, or have had stroke warning signs or risk factors, it is very important to seek prompt medical attention.  Your doctor will work with you to find the cause of your problem and determine the best treatment.  Even if your symptoms resolve without treatment, you should still discuss them with your doctor. Don’t assume that a problem is unimportant if it goes away on its own. Never try to make a diagnosis by yourself.
Good resource for stroke....

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Developing Brains Have Unique Molecular Signatures.

Messenger RNAs, or transcripts, are intermediate products that carry the message from DNA, the genetic blueprint, to create proteins, and ultimately, the many different cell types throughout the brain. Each gene can make several transcripts, which are expressed in patterns unique to each of us. To better understand how these patterns of gene expression influence the developing brain, NIMH supported the first map of how RNA expression changes across the life span through two parallel studies of postmortem brains, ranging in age from two weeks after conception to 80 years old (3, 4). The researchers found that nearly 90% of genes are expressed differently during prenatal development, infancy, and childhood. While each of these stages has a distinct transcriptional identity, the fetal brain looks like a different organ compared to the postnatal brain, with 60% of genes expressed differently and 83% of transcripts processed to make unique proteins. Many of the genetic variations associated with mental illness appear to have a specific effect on the form of the gene expressed uniquely during fetal life.