Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's destroy the ability to move. There is no cure available for over 6 million people worldwide struggling with this disease.
Unfortunately, there are no biomarkers (e.g. blood tests) available to get objective information. They present with incurable weakness, tremors and rigidity. Currently the neurological test available is very costly and most do not get it as a result. Like the extremities, the voice also is affected by Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's Voice Initiative intends to change that.
Dr Max Little who is a Wellcome Trust-MIT Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston has come up with a technology to get this objective data for Parkinson's disease using voice. They started with about 86% accuracy and now have achieved 99% accuracy. This test will be ultra low cost and anyone (general population) will be able to administer this test when it becomes available.
Here is the contact number for USA: 1-857-284-8035
Everyone can help!…Whether you are healthy or living with Parkinson’s, all you have to do is record your voice and that information is collected to build a system to screen for and monitor the symptoms of this debilitating disease. This is a global call and contact numbers for 9 countries are available which equates to about 750,000 people in the world.
All you need to do: make a low-cost, anonymous, three-minute phone call. They aim to collect 10,000 voice recordings. You can call using your mobile / land line telephone. In case someone has questions about privacy - all recordings are non-identifiable, and no personal information is stored.
Please share this information with as many people as you can. You can also post your comments below. Please call now!
Unfortunately, there are no biomarkers (e.g. blood tests) available to get objective information. They present with incurable weakness, tremors and rigidity. Currently the neurological test available is very costly and most do not get it as a result. Like the extremities, the voice also is affected by Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's Voice Initiative intends to change that.
Dr Max Little who is a Wellcome Trust-MIT Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston has come up with a technology to get this objective data for Parkinson's disease using voice. They started with about 86% accuracy and now have achieved 99% accuracy. This test will be ultra low cost and anyone (general population) will be able to administer this test when it becomes available.
Here is the contact number for USA: 1-857-284-8035
Everyone can help!…Whether you are healthy or living with Parkinson’s, all you have to do is record your voice and that information is collected to build a system to screen for and monitor the symptoms of this debilitating disease. This is a global call and contact numbers for 9 countries are available which equates to about 750,000 people in the world.
All you need to do: make a low-cost, anonymous, three-minute phone call. They aim to collect 10,000 voice recordings. You can call using your mobile / land line telephone. In case someone has questions about privacy - all recordings are non-identifiable, and no personal information is stored.
Please share this information with as many people as you can. You can also post your comments below. Please call now!